Robotic Surgery for Gynecological Cancer

Woman pruning a plantEndometrial, ovarian and cervical cancers are the three most common gynecological cancers. While the diagnosis can be frightening, detecting cancer in its earliest stage maximizes a woman's chances for a cure.

If you're a woman who has been diagnosed with gynecological cancer, you understand the struggle to make the right decision regarding treatment. You want to get the best treatment possible, but naturally, you also want to resume a normal lifestyle as quickly as you can. Therefore, potential recovery time is a factor in the decision-making process.

The da Vinci® Alternative

While there are many treatment options and therapies for gynecological cancer, including radiation therapy, hormone therapy and/or chemotherapy, surgery is usually required. Today's leading edge robotic technology offers a minimally invasive alternative to traditional open surgery. The da Vinci Surgical System can significantly reduce recovery time for women requiring a radical hysterectomy in the treatment of gynecological cancer.

Traditionally, treating a patient with endometrial, cervical or early ovarian cancer meant open surgery with a large abdominal incision, longer hospital stay, narcotic pain management, the potential for significant blood loss, and up to six weeks of recovery time. While all surgeries involve risks, a hysterectomy or myomectomy (removal of uterine fibroids) performed through the da Vinci Robotic System offers many benefits over traditional surgeries. 

Portrayal of hysterectomy incision sites for robotic surgery
  • Less invasive procedure, resulting in lower blood loss and decreased risk of infection
  • Smaller incisions and minimal scarring
  • Less pain after surgery
  • Shorter hospital stay (usually one night)
  • Faster recovery
  • Quicker return to normal activities

While each woman's cancer scenario is unique, there are many options for treatment that need to be carefully explored to make a wise choice. If a radical hysterectomy is the best alternative for you, it's good to know that robotic technology makes that route safer and can enable you to get back to your life more quickly.

For more information about robotic surgery, please call (727) 462-3000.