Last-Minute Activities

We know you’re busy counting down the weeks before your little one arrives, but things are about to get even busier! Do yourself a favor and try to fit in some of these last-minute activities before heading to the hospital.

  • If you’re planning to send birth announcements, make a list of everyone you want to send them to. Go ahead and choose the style of announcement and address the envelopes ahead of time. If you plan to call or email instead, make a list of email addresses and phone numbers.
  • Make as many meals as you can fit in your freezer so you can just pop them in the oven when the time comes.
  • Try to catch up as much as you can on housecleaning, laundry and other household chores.
  • Stock up on items you’ll need right away, like maxi pads, newborn diapers, baby wipes and nursing pads.
  • Wash all of baby’s clothes and bedding with baby detergent and put them away.
  • Make a list of those who’ve offered help with housekeeping, meals, childcare or other services—and be willing to take them up on it once baby is here!
  • Make sure you and your partner both have the name, address and phone number of the hospital saved in your phones.
  • Plan your route to the hospital—make the drive a few times to find the quickest and easiest route, and know which entrance you should use (and whether it depends on the time of day).
  • Pack a bag with essential items for labor, delivery and your hospital stay, plus a receiving blanket and clothing for baby to wear home.
  • Purchase an approved newborn car seat and install it in your vehicle. Have it checked by a trained child passenger safety technician to make sure it’s installed correctly. BayCare also offers Car Seat Inspections at many locations.
  • Inform grandparents and others who’ll be around your baby about which vaccines they should get to help keep baby safe (such as whooping cough).
  • Make arrangements for older children and/or pets, if necessary, so you know they’ll be cared for while you’re in the hospital.

Want to learn more? Register for our free Understanding Birth and Understanding Your Newborn classes!