Exercising at Work

A man is standing and stretching one leg while looking at his laptop at work.Stand-up desks, walking meetings, health club memberships or discounts and much more are all being offered more frequently in professional settings today. Long work hours, housework and family are among the excuses we use to avoid lacing up a pair of sneakers to sweat off last weekend’s pizza binge. Deskercise is on its way to helping those who “can’t find the time” get in a few calorie-burning minutes.

There are some easy ways that won’t interrupt too much of your work day, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator or, when applicable, having a meeting or taking a call while taking a walk through quiet hallways or trails close to your business. For those who need something a little more exciting, try a few of these moves:

  • Paper pushups are good for strengthening your arms. Place both hands on your desk and walk your feet back to a 45-degree angle. Do a dozen pushups; repeat three reps for more intensity.
  • Chair squats are good for toning glutes. Standing 6 inches in front of your chair, lower yourself down until your butt hits the edge of the chair and then pop back up.
  • Standing calf raises will help strengthen your lower legs and calves. Starting with your feet together and resting your hands on the back of your chair, rise up on your toes to raise your calves. Hold for 10 seconds, release and repeat. This is also a good one for standing in line at the grocery store.
  • A rotational chop with resistance bands is a great move for your entire core. Place a resistance band around a low anchor point, like the leg of your desk. Take a few steps away from the anchor point and stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Bend at the knees while holding the resistance band next to the knee closest to the leg of your desk. Then bring your arms up and across your body as you stand up, and pivot your foot to the opposite wall. Complete in 10-15 reps per side.

There are many ways to keep moving throughout the day, even in the confines of your desk or cubicle. Exercise can help increase bone density, increase metabolism, improve your mood and prevent or help control diabetes. 

If you’re ready to move from the office and make this a healthy habit, BayCare’s state-of-the-art Fitness Centers are here for you to make the transition into fit life as seamless as possible. BayCare’s Fitness Centers go beyond aerobics and weight lifting and encompass total wellness. Our fitness centers offer an assortment of wellness and fitness services, including group and specialty exercise classes, personal training, nutrition information and counseling, child care, massage therapy services and much more.